Free Homeowner Association Board Training Seminars
Glossary of Litigation Terms
Pro Se
Pro Se is Latin meaning “for himself.” It has the same meaning as pro per.
Proof is the establishment of a fact by evidence or the effect of evidence.
Quantum Meruit
Quantum Meruit refers to the reasonable value of services provided.
Relevant Evidence
Relevant Evidence is evidence that tends to prove or disprove an alleged fact. Evidence is relevant if it tends to make the existence of a material fact more likely or probable.
Request for Admissions
Request for Admissions is a discovery procedure in which a party asks another party to admit or deny that certain facts are true. If the opposing party fails to respond in a timely manner, the facts will be deemed true for purposes of the trial.
Res Judicata
Res Judicata means “the thing has been decided.”
Stare Decisis
Stare Decisis is the doctrine that court decisions should stand as precedent for future cases.
Status Conference
A Status Conference is a court-ordered conference where the attorneys appear before the judge to report on the status of the case. There may be one or more status conferences prior to trial.
Statute of Limitations
A Statue of Limitation refers to the time limit for filing a lawsuit. Statutes of limitation differ depending on the type of claim and state. If a claim is not filed timely, it will be banned from being filed.
Strict Liability
Strict Liability refers to the doctrine of liability without fault or negligence. One who sells a defective product that is unreasonably dangerous to the user or his property is subject to strict liability for the harm caused.
Subpoena Duces Tecum
A Subpoena Duces Tecum is a type of subpoena, or court order, issued at the request of a party to a lawsuit requiring a witness to produce specified documents at a deposition or trial.
Free Homeowner Association Board Training Seminars
Michael T. Chulak